Monday, March 24, 2008


YouTube is fantastic.  Almost anything you can think of is on there.  Think of all the old TV shows that everyone used to watch, type it in and you can find something.  This is my favourite part of it.  You no longer have to rely on memory to record something.  Or if you here in the news about something interesting, well, you just have to go hunting, and you find it.  Mind you, on MSN, they often provide the video within it.  Google Video - another great tool.

I was wandering around, once again, and found the winner of the original Pop Idol, Will Young.  Not something we would generally see in Australia, and many people are probably wondering who he is, but with YouTube, the prominence of people can come out as the accessibility of it all is increased.  Look at Sandi Thom - that is how she became a pop star, people started to watch her video on YouTube!  How amazing is that?

Anyway, I found Will Young, and here is his winning song....

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Glad you enjoyed YouTube, your comments are interesting.
